Point #3. Yes, their vile, racist tropes are putting people in harm's way. I see it in my own home.

My husband is considered Issei, first generation Japanese-American, born post-WWII in Japan of a Japanese mother and a Japanese-American (Hawaiian) father.

He never thought much about politics. I had to badger him often to go with me to vote. He was a registered Republican...until, Trump. First, Trump's disdain and disrespect for the military, except to pursue his personal ends, angered my husband. He had served in the Air Force in Vietnam, as his father had served in the 442nd Unit of the U.S. Army-Air Force during WWII.

Then the Muslim ban, then the zero tolerance border policy showed Trump's and his administration's true plan for dealing with ethnic and racial minorities in this country, and put my husband on "high alert". He would make jokes about reserving his room at Manzanar, but it was said with bitterness and a touch of disbelief that the military service of his father and his own to this country would be for nothing.

We live in a racially homogenous (white) area, which makes processing all of this more complex for both of us. He has become more wary of interactions with strangers and more concerned with home and our personal security, as have I.

We plan to sell our retirement home of 15 years after the election. We've targeted a couple of urban areas with populations of ~500,000, with state universities, medical services, arts, and restaurants. And, most importantly, a demographically diverse population with a more evenly divided electorate than our current 75% (R), 25%(D) mix.

Moving won't change the rhetoric, but being in a larger, more diverse community will help bring down the stress and allow for thinking more clearly about life with or without Trump.

P.s. Unless you think this has us hiding in our house this election season, it does not. We have Kamala-Walz signs proudly displayed in our yard, along with local and state Democratic signs. We also actively participate in GOTV activities with our local Democratic club.💙


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To me the most ominous aspect of statements like “they’re eating their neighbors pets” is that it dehumanizes, in this case, Haitian immigrants. We saw what the dehumanization of a demographic did in the 1930’s and 1940’s. We cannot risk repeating that.

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Yes! Thank you for putting this out there, John. I cringe every time someone I know shares a “funny” meme about this, meant to be a jab at Trump. It’s certainly ludicrous, but there’s nothing funny about the effect it has on the lives of flesh and blood people.

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He's crossed another line. How many more are left? Him acting on his claim that he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and get away with it? I'm so weary of this monster and his ilk.

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I lived in Springfield for 38 years and moved to the country a few miles from Springfield 10 years ago. My heart breaks for the Haitian migrants who are here legally and are working hard every day to have a better life for themselves and their families. They came here because Springfield’s population had been in decline for decades. When the city leaders began an effort to revive Springfield, new employers were unable to find employees because so many young people had left the city for better opportunities. This exodus began in the 1960s and continues today. The city lost around 20,000 people during this time. Springfield invited the Haitian migrants here to fill new manufacturing and service jobs, and since 2020 between 12,000 and 15,000 Haitian migrants came to Springfield to work. Employers who have hired them say they are the best workers they have. They come to work every day and work extremely hard. When one Haitian migrant who did not have a valid Ohio driver’s license went left of center and hit a school bus killing a young boy, outside forces took advantage of that to stir up anger and hate toward all the Haitian migrants. Don’t misunderstand, there was plenty of anger toward them before the accident. The accident gave those who deal in hate and racism the opportunity to make it all worse. Until the Republicans, Trump, Vance, right-wing media, and conspiracy theorists stop perpetuating racism, bigotry, hate, misogyny, and xenophobia, Springfield will not be the last city to become victimized in this way. This is definitely a red, red area of Ohio; but it can happen anywhere. One of these days these hate mongers may find that their cities are victims. Conspiracy theories, lies, and hate have consequences. Many of the Haitians living here are now fearing for their lives and wondering if they should leave. Springfield is doing everything it can to provide necessary services to help them assimilate into the community, but thanks to the haters, the city leaders may not get to complete their efforts. I, along with like-minded friends, am trying to confront the sick jokes and comments I see on social media, but it’s hard to keep up. Just one last thing: there is absolutely no evidence of any kind that the Haitians are stealing and eating people’s pets. None whatsoever. It is not happening. Please, if you read this, try to help by spreading the word.

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All his tirades on the 'eating pets' stuff is and will be a distraction from the real problem. He is lost on every level, has no coherent plan, and falls back into his standby of ugly, lying, racist rants.

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I urge everyone to read Heather Cox Richardson 's column, where she ties this nonsense directly to the Repub's ultimate goal...control of the Senate. If they can win the Senate, they can install more right-wing judges, to "legislate from the bench" and ensure permanent minority right-wing rule.


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The debate with VP Harris was a clear indication that the former President has no agenda or policies that will benefit America. He is an old angry decrepit individual who must not win in November. It is imperative that we vote for a person with a joyful and organized vision for our country. Vote Harris/Waltz and save our democracy

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Please listen for 7 minutes NOW. And read as well. Right along w John’s voice,

This is CRITICAL information about OUR United States Election Campaign and ALL of the ramifications of demonizing and lying about Haitians or any other group of people living in the USA RIGHT now.

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It’s beyond horrible. To live in fear of others is exhausting. To try to be safe when you weren’t is human. The ugliness of the MAGAts is infuriating. We need to each speak out about it all.

Practically speaking: PBSNewsHour aired a segment about Springfield and the Haitian immigrants. One small manufacturing company praised the new workers which allowed the company to expand. Other communities where immigrants have settled are thriving. Immigrants pay taxes, without benefits if the immigrants aren’t documented. The economy would collapse if millions were deported, even if people cannot consider the inhuman aspect and family values issues.

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And why isn’t our country protecting all of the decent , kind, intelligent, people who need to know terrorism isn’t ok! from these perverts. Arrest and imprison those who think freedom means hate and chaos and killing. My god America….. can this really be us?

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Yep. I am afraid there is a group of Americans who are very disappointing. Much to my dismay. It's said that a person can either bring out the good or bring out the worst in others. Trump/Vance and their ilk bring out hate and amplify it. Sadly, you can't be arrested or imprisoned due to hate alone. One must take action and commit a crime before they are arrested or put away. But, hate is often the spark that ignites the flame of harmful actions towards innocent people.

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To me the silence of the Republicans already in office is the tell. NO Republican is refuting his words. NO Republicans are coming out In opposition to his words or actions except Dick & Liz Cheney. By their silence Republicans are concurring with him. That alone is the main reason We the People must vote blue on every race on the ballot at every level of government. The enablers must be voted out at every level. Differences of opinion are common in political circles. We all expect differences of opinion. There have been differences of opinion from the very beginning of our nation & we have always worked things out in a bi-partisan fashion. With Trump & Company it’s always been “My way or the highway.” Trump & his sycophants are decidedly unAmerican & undemocratic (small “d”) by their refusal to engage in good faith debate. Current serving Republicans refuse to call him out on his craziness & We the People are way, way too accepting of Republican inaction regarding his behavior. Republicans have lost sight of what’s best for the country in favor of “party over country”. We have to stop it….

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Ignorance is also a driver of fear and increases antisocial behavior.

AND, in the case of Trump & his chosen VP Vance, we are being led (or pushed verbally) along a path to reactionary behaviors intended to drive other citizens to act violently against a specific minority population, a population of color other than their (Trump & Vance’s) own. The Haitians were invited and welcomed to the city they reside in.

WE BELIEVERS’ in DEMOCRACY (government by and for ALL people in our United States) Must Respond immediately with courage and clarity to defuse the incendiary noise from Trump.

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Well stated, John. The pathological, pernicious, vile bilge that spews from DJT/JDV and their enablers is worse by orders of magnitude than anything I have seen from an ostensibly major political party (even the Goldwater extremists of the 60s and the Nixon criminals of the early 70s) in this country in the 70+ years I have been alive. The facts you and others have related put the lie to Pope Francis's recent statement that Americans face a choice of the "lesser of two evils" in this election. If he expects American voters, even American Catholics, to consider seriously his statement as a reason to vote, or even seriously consider voting for Republicans in this election, he seriously overestimates his influence - even his relevance - to the moral calculus used by most American Catholics, who already reject resoundingly his and the heirarchy's positions on abortion, contraception, IVF and other conception support programs, gay people's rights to exist and function as fully human with full dignity, same sex marriage, transgender identity and support, female leadership, the characterization of the Old Testament as myth and allegory rather than historical fact, and other 21st century simple realities.

More importantly (and sadly), his "both sides" statement indicates the breadth and depth of the corruption that has overtaken many institutions that claim to teach and uphold morality in this world.

You have laid out the problems facing us very well in this and other posts addressing these issues. Far from a choice between the lesser of 2 evils, American voters with a functioning conscience have only one choice that reflects and supports the full range of the strong humanitarian and communitarian principles and values that underlie most of the statements attributed to Jesus in the NT and to a host of other prophets as reflected in scriptural works attributed to various faith traditions across time, geography and social structures.

We have to get this right in November. I shall vote Harris-Walz and blue down the line.

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These essays you write are wonderful. I forward them everywhere I can think of.

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Thank you John for your important words - again! I was driving home yesterday afternoon and turned on the car radio to hear the later half of a PBS report/commentary about the truth of the Springfield, Ohio, incident that precipitated “the pet eating” trash talk. At the end of the piece PBS played a recording of the words the courageous and loving father of the 11 year old boy who died in the accident that sparked the tragedy and infected the hurtful political lies. He spoke before a town meeting essentially say that the awful political rhetoric does not honor the death of his son who was brought up and knew better values and how to treat others with respect. His words brought tears to my eyes.

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