One of your best, John. Brutal but spot on. 🙏

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Bleesed be the fruit! At the intersection of laughter and pain, this article encapsulates what is often overlooked in the purely political analysis of DJT, his enablers, fellow travelers, and acolytes: MAGA is not a movement - it is a pseudo-religious cult that meets the elements of Hassan's BITE model. On the lighter side - nice channeling of both Margaret Atwood and Alexandra Petri! Under His Eye!

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When I first read this post I thought you were trying to copy Borowitz’s humor and failing. Then, I saw the NYT article reporting the same story. This is horrible. I always wonder if T can sink any lower and he always finds a way. Selling signed Bibles for personal gain, despicable, unconscionable and disgusting. What will it take for his base to see him for who he truly is? What he truly is

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I needed this today, John. I have been livid over this abomination. You made me laugh. So thank you.

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Another reason to wonder why Evangelical Christians can support such a blasphemous man.

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hmmm, anyone believe in Karma? I trust the universe and democrats will answer loud and clear that this orange sack of **** be forgotten after this November. There is not a single character trait he possesses that I admire. Words simply can not express how repulsive him and his ilk are. One of your better posts, John....keep it up.

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The MAGA Bible: Where lies are truth, down is up, white is…well, is there anything else?…and instead of garbage pickup they have garbage delivery.

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It goes to show even the Evangelicals don’t recognize the Anti Christ when he stands before them. Who is advising this FrankenCandidate on setting up a company? Will they forgo profits on their investments? He was not smart enough to come up with this idea on his own, or he would have done it long ago. SEC are you looking at this??

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But honestly, it is breaking my heart. May be Don is just the symptom of a deeper illness with American Christianity? I never ever expected to live in a country with a shadow emperor without clothes who sells bibles and golden sneakers. My religious feelings are offended.

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Bravo, John. This will be an instant classic.

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This is brilliant, John! 👏👏👏

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I never realized that the 'J' in Donald J. Trump stood for Jesus!

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Awesome article. I know one’s outlook on life doesn’t require religious manifestations of bullshit to be worthy of existing. I’ve lived the indoctrination, the fallacy, the guilt. Ironically, religion is the sin on one’s soul of individuality.

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Satire? Please, dear Jesus, please let this be satire. Because if it is true, then I don't even know what to think about those who purchase these abominations from the ultimate abominable human.

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Ha, I bet many would not even notice!

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Very clever!

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