I became a paid subscriber after your column yesterday. Today… I think I just want to cry and tell you as a 72-year-old woman, what you have written here to your fellow male humans in America, both breaks my heart and makes me want to scream:

THIS!! THIS is what every American of voting age needs to recognize! In this election, there are millions of American men who are trying to take away every woman’s most basic human FREEDOM. My body is mine. It makes me want to effing scream and cry that I actually have to declare that.

I suspect that every male that is reading your column on a regular basis is not the man we need to speak to here. But y’all men may be the ones who need to amplify John’s message here. Please.

Yes… Reproductive rights are about as fundamental as it gets. Except there’s an even more fundamental right. The right to autonomy over our body. Period.

I am childless 72 year old American woman who has fought and marched and spoken and written for the right for women to be recognized as equal human beings since I was a teenager. I will never stop advocating for the rights and dignity of women.

Can you begin to imagine how SEARING it is to a woman’s heart and mind to know what Donald Trump can do if he is elected again?!?


In solidarity, thank you John. Thank you all.

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This 73 year old, retired teacher, childless dog mama, married for 51 years old broad says to you & John: THANK GOD FOR SPEAKING TRUTH! The "humanhood" of America is on the line. I can keep the faith with groups, like this one, that truly believe that we will see our country step up & tell the world who we are as a people: A DEMOCRACY FOR ALL!

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Great article wirh terrific points. Wish this could be printed on a larger platform. Needs a USA Today full page!

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Interesting point, and one well in need of addressing. The women get it in spades, but the men are lacking far behind protecting their egos and tribalism. Your argument and reasoning is spot on. Let’s hope these men turn the page and realize the bigger picture than themselves. Well said.🤞👍

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It’s about time someone spoke in plain language about this animal running for President. It took you to do it, John. Thank you. Pardon my pun, but we’ve got to quit pussyfooting around the issue of how purely immoral and unethical and just plain unqualified this man is.

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So, for this 78-year-old retired school teacher (42 years), plus a Scoutmaster, a loving father and brother and brother-in-law, neighbor, colleague and you get the picture, this column is just what has needed to be said for so long. The Republican party has abdicated its human and humane directions, has returned to the racism of St. Ronnie, has prolonged just about any warmongering they have wanted, and have attempted to do all this in the guise of being 'rough frontiersmen'. I have little room for most of the GOP, except for a few honest brokers like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. The current iteration of this tribe is bent on protecting its power and erasing the interests and needs of other Americans, especially those with 'non-reflective' skins. (photographer talk). Thanks, John, for your excellent piece today. Now, everyone, please copy this and send it along to all your friends with a suggestion that they become a supporting subscriber.

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You nailed it! It definitely needs a wider audience. I’m sharing it like crazy but my circle of influence is pretty small.

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Thank you. Just thank you.

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Sep 26·edited Sep 26

I find it astonishing that three out of five men will vote for Trump. Trump--the coward. Trump--the adjudicated rapist. Trump--the peeping Tom. Trump--the fraudster. Trump--the word salad orange boil. Trump--the cancer on our democracy.

How, exactly, is he a "man"? I mean, beyond the obvious biological tells, there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that recommends him for that title in any way, shape, or form. How is it that three out of five American men think he is a tough guy, a stand-up guy, a moral man, a man with any kind of backbone whatsoever--?

I take issue, John, with the following:

"Are you really going to completely deny your morality and throw away your convictions, because you don’t want to vote for a woman?"

Convictions so easily or unwisely thrown away ... are they *really* convictions, or just cheap imitations of convictions? And isn't that really the problem here--like Trump's endless garbage that he shills, cheap-ass "convictions" by "men" who have utterly lost any sense of what real manhood looks like, what it feels like, how it presents, what it stands for? And wasn't it Trumpie Junior who explicitly denied the Sermon On the Mount, spoken by one of the human species' true exemplars of manhood, claiming it wasn't worth following, because, and I'm paraphrasing, it doesn't get what one wants in life--domination, cash, power, status?

I believe we are in crisis in this country, a crisis of authentic manhood. I believe it has become rare, and as a result our democracy, our very way of life, is now threatened. Any man worthy of the title would never, ever look at Donald Trump and see *anything* other than a small, pathetic, feeble imitation of a man.

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Outstanding! Well said. I’m passing truth on.

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Brass tacks, baby!

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