So much of what you write strikes a chord with me, but as the mother of two men with teenagers of their own, this especially hits home. Every young man, but every parent of young men, needs to hear this message so that we can all be intentional about that journey.

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I am so angry over the past 9 years with this MAGA Bull Shit and Donald Trump I feel like I am losing my mind. I must do better. But I a m sinking unto despair. And now this shooting. What can we do ?

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Yes, very stressful all these years. The antidote to deapair is action. For example, an excellent one-stop source you may find very helpful is right here on Substack: Chop Wood Carry Water by Jess Craven. She gives small daily actions to save democracy and support decency, truth and human rights. I find that doing ANYTHING really helps. Look her up!

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If only every boy and young man in the world could hear this. It's so true! In fact, all people could learn from this. Let go of the role you think you need to play and just be a good human being.

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As we hear of yet another school shooting in our country & learn that the shooter is a 14 year old boy that will be tried as an adult: This retired teacher could not agree more with you, John! After we send our thoughts and prayers to all touched by this tragedy: WE MUST DO BETTER!

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Empathy and kindness. Something everyone should do.

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Real good advice, John

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thank you for saying something that really needs to be said. often. sharing!!

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We need to come to a general agreement on what are the characteristics and behaviors of a decent person. Then strive to teach, admire, and model them wherever and whenever possible.

Too many behaviors are classified by gender roles and are considered acceptable depending on the gender of the person

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So very grateful for the spirit you are, who agreed to show up in these Moments of Now, when we so desperately need to hear the Oneness and the Authenticity of a heart that speaks Love in real-time. Thank you, my brother.


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Absolutely and SO well written as always...thanks, John

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