This is why I'm a Unitarian Universalist. We get to actually practice the teachings of Jesus without all the patriarchy, dogma, and right-wing politics.
I want to take care not to limit “people of faith” to those who believe in a “god” or attend a religious service. Some have chosen to move away from traditional religions and concentrate on being the “damn givers” in this world. I think the realization that the Democratic Party, which at least on paper, is trying to be inclusive and compassionate, is clear evidence of the power of a “faith” in the power of doing right by each other- regardless of religious view. The Party claiming to be the party of “faith” by definition, has embraced true evil and harm. All of us need to be “people of faith”, in order to create and sustain a safe and thriving place to live now.
Is this another article I can subscribe to and how? This is truly something that touches my heart. It's Christmas and I am surviving on social security ( praying they don't take that away or I'm homeless back out in streets again!). And I have daughters and grandchildren and about $40.00 in checking and $40.00 in savings and you know what? I don't even care! Because I've made my family happy with terrific smiles in my grandchildren ' s faces. And other ministries (usually Childrens- that's where my heart is always going!). And I've been without and I've been with- like Paul in the Book of Acts. It's all okay because I Know in Whom I Have Believed! So happy Christmas, kwanza(sp.) and Hanukah and any other celebration 🎉! Jesus Christ takes care of me so not to worry.😁
I don’t quite understand where religion intersects with politics unless it’s a way for some people to try an alternate way to “legally” get their way with the rest of the population. It’s at once frightening and quite unpalatable. In the world there are going to be more non-
Christians and moderate Christians than the eccentrics who want to lord their ultra conservative ways over the rest of us. I do resent it more than I have space to tell you why.
So very true. I go to a Lutheran church led by a woman pastor. We are always doing community outreach. Gathering food and clothing for the poor,. There is a lot of love. It's just not loud.
Dear Mr. Pavlovitz. On this day today this is exactly what I needed to see this early in the morning. Of course this is the time of the year when people do start to turn their aching breaking hearts toward someone who just might be able to help them and HIS NAME is JESUS. THE REAL JESUS - the person who goes into the highways and byways seeking the downtrodden - the forgotten - the lowest of the low- the rejects of 'society'- just as Jesus did in the Bible . I've read studied and have tried to live by this with the Holy Spirit HE placed inside of my heart mind and soul over forty years ago now . I was a 31 year old alcoholic and drug addict in an abandoned building - projectile vomiting from the inability to put one more drop of alcohol in my saturated body. In October in the town I'm living in right now. A shirt a pair of pants and sandals. ( It snows here) No glasses ( near blind without a pair, no ID, no sweater, no coat and no one to help me)- no relations - no one at all that I even knew in this town ( other than bartenders) -only a few men in that building who brought bottles of booze to try to stop the shakes withdrawal brings ( along with everything else that could cause death). I was paralyzed from my shoulder down to my fingers because some guy pushed me down a flight of stairs and broke and dislocated my shoulder. AND that's when the Lord Jesus said 'no more'. 'You are MINE ' and then through my wandering to find a woman's mission where I might find a bed in out of the cold -- I ended up in a married couple 's home( a street witnessing team literally put me in their car and drove me there!). And thus began these past forty plus years of Jesus. You see I don't have to search for Him - HE came and got me! HE left the 99 and came for the super lost little lamb on the edge of the cliff -- just as HE will do over and over again and I tell Him all the time - I'm already in the 99-- please go get the other super lost little lambs on the edge of the cliff. You see HE IS REAL - I don't have to even think about it - I KNOW! And Sir I've read the end of the book --WE WIN-- HE WINS! THIS JESUS - THE REAL JESUS - IS Alive and well and HE cannot and will not be pushed out by anyone. This Christmas ( whatever holiday season) and every single day forthcoming - Let the LOVE of Jesus prevail in every and any way possible. And pray- please pray - that the eyes of the mind of understanding will be opened in every single human being. His will is that none should perish but all should come to repentance and the knowledge of the Truth - My Bible tells me that when Jesus walked in the earth that the ' vipers and hypocrites' were the religious leaders and rulers at that time. Those are the Words He actually used. And because of the LOVE of God that rules and reigns in my heart - I spend time in prayer for the religious leaders and rulers of this day and time. Because I believe that is what HE would want me to do. Remember when we do it unto the least of these we do it unto HIM. And Prayers Work. Thank you for listening. I truly hope that all of this just might touch somebody's heart mind and soul out there. If even one person sees this and his/her life is changed - it's worth it 🙏🏻🙏🏽🙏🙏🏿🙏🏼
I also KNOW he lives and that the victory is already won. At the end of this journey on earth, I pray my life is all about Him and nothing about myself. Bless you for this testimony.
I joined a Unitarian Church in CT, when I wanted my son to have some kind of religious teachings so that he could make his own choice later on, but wanted him to have some exposure. I was completely blown away with the embracing of other religions, an amazing program called Our Whole Lives about sex education and an extraordinary year where the kids went to neighboring faiths and got to ask priests, rabbis and imams questions. I found a humanitarianism there that is what I believe the Jesus I remember from my youth would want from us. Curiosity, humanity, respect and more questions than answers. Good piece and really important right now!
Wow! You did it again. I’m having trouble reading this through tears. “They” may have abandoned Jesus, but He isn’t gone. He’s still here!!! We just have to look in the right places. Thank you so much!
I once said to my dyed in the wool evangelical pastor/elder father that I chose quiet service daily in my walk with Jesus. He didn’t comprehend or understand the meaning of that. If your service is loud and to be seen and applauded by others you are sorely misled. Everything should be done for His Glory Only (HGO). Jesus was disgusted with the religious, sanctimonious leaders that so resemble the so called moral majority rank and file today in the evangelical churches here in America. They are the loudest voices spewing a counterfeit gospel that is straight up from Satan himself. Lucifer is having a hell of a time right now. The true followers of Jesus will quietly rise from the ashes and truly inherit the earth.
Thank you for this loving and hopeful commentary. I haven't been to a church as a member for many years as the traditional ones with which I grew up never seemed genuine given what the Bible says. At one time I found a group of the silent Quakers and joined them until we moved to another state. These were loving, kind, generous, and everything I believed a good person should be. There are no silent Quaker meetings near us now, and I've been thinking of visiting the Unitarians or Episcopals in one of the towns near us.
This is why I'm a Unitarian Universalist. We get to actually practice the teachings of Jesus without all the patriarchy, dogma, and right-wing politics.
I want to take care not to limit “people of faith” to those who believe in a “god” or attend a religious service. Some have chosen to move away from traditional religions and concentrate on being the “damn givers” in this world. I think the realization that the Democratic Party, which at least on paper, is trying to be inclusive and compassionate, is clear evidence of the power of a “faith” in the power of doing right by each other- regardless of religious view. The Party claiming to be the party of “faith” by definition, has embraced true evil and harm. All of us need to be “people of faith”, in order to create and sustain a safe and thriving place to live now.
Thanks, Sharon, for a new favorite that I shall be using: "The damn givers" :)
Damn-Giver Dispatch is another newsletter that John Pavlovich writes. It's really good!! 😍
Is this another article I can subscribe to and how? This is truly something that touches my heart. It's Christmas and I am surviving on social security ( praying they don't take that away or I'm homeless back out in streets again!). And I have daughters and grandchildren and about $40.00 in checking and $40.00 in savings and you know what? I don't even care! Because I've made my family happy with terrific smiles in my grandchildren ' s faces. And other ministries (usually Childrens- that's where my heart is always going!). And I've been without and I've been with- like Paul in the Book of Acts. It's all okay because I Know in Whom I Have Believed! So happy Christmas, kwanza(sp.) and Hanukah and any other celebration 🎉! Jesus Christ takes care of me so not to worry.😁
Just go to his website below and you can find it there!
Actually a term of J. P., which I utilize often!
Thank you! Solitary practitioner earth and water kitchen witch here. Working hard to be a "damn giver" every day". :-)
I don’t quite understand where religion intersects with politics unless it’s a way for some people to try an alternate way to “legally” get their way with the rest of the population. It’s at once frightening and quite unpalatable. In the world there are going to be more non-
Christians and moderate Christians than the eccentrics who want to lord their ultra conservative ways over the rest of us. I do resent it more than I have space to tell you why.
So very true. I go to a Lutheran church led by a woman pastor. We are always doing community outreach. Gathering food and clothing for the poor,. There is a lot of love. It's just not loud.
You make every post a thing of beauty and hope! Thank you from the bottom of my bruised soul!
I just think that Trump gave the Bible Belt evangelicals permission to take off their masks. It was always there.
Dear Mr. Pavlovitz. On this day today this is exactly what I needed to see this early in the morning. Of course this is the time of the year when people do start to turn their aching breaking hearts toward someone who just might be able to help them and HIS NAME is JESUS. THE REAL JESUS - the person who goes into the highways and byways seeking the downtrodden - the forgotten - the lowest of the low- the rejects of 'society'- just as Jesus did in the Bible . I've read studied and have tried to live by this with the Holy Spirit HE placed inside of my heart mind and soul over forty years ago now . I was a 31 year old alcoholic and drug addict in an abandoned building - projectile vomiting from the inability to put one more drop of alcohol in my saturated body. In October in the town I'm living in right now. A shirt a pair of pants and sandals. ( It snows here) No glasses ( near blind without a pair, no ID, no sweater, no coat and no one to help me)- no relations - no one at all that I even knew in this town ( other than bartenders) -only a few men in that building who brought bottles of booze to try to stop the shakes withdrawal brings ( along with everything else that could cause death). I was paralyzed from my shoulder down to my fingers because some guy pushed me down a flight of stairs and broke and dislocated my shoulder. AND that's when the Lord Jesus said 'no more'. 'You are MINE ' and then through my wandering to find a woman's mission where I might find a bed in out of the cold -- I ended up in a married couple 's home( a street witnessing team literally put me in their car and drove me there!). And thus began these past forty plus years of Jesus. You see I don't have to search for Him - HE came and got me! HE left the 99 and came for the super lost little lamb on the edge of the cliff -- just as HE will do over and over again and I tell Him all the time - I'm already in the 99-- please go get the other super lost little lambs on the edge of the cliff. You see HE IS REAL - I don't have to even think about it - I KNOW! And Sir I've read the end of the book --WE WIN-- HE WINS! THIS JESUS - THE REAL JESUS - IS Alive and well and HE cannot and will not be pushed out by anyone. This Christmas ( whatever holiday season) and every single day forthcoming - Let the LOVE of Jesus prevail in every and any way possible. And pray- please pray - that the eyes of the mind of understanding will be opened in every single human being. His will is that none should perish but all should come to repentance and the knowledge of the Truth - My Bible tells me that when Jesus walked in the earth that the ' vipers and hypocrites' were the religious leaders and rulers at that time. Those are the Words He actually used. And because of the LOVE of God that rules and reigns in my heart - I spend time in prayer for the religious leaders and rulers of this day and time. Because I believe that is what HE would want me to do. Remember when we do it unto the least of these we do it unto HIM. And Prayers Work. Thank you for listening. I truly hope that all of this just might touch somebody's heart mind and soul out there. If even one person sees this and his/her life is changed - it's worth it 🙏🏻🙏🏽🙏🙏🏿🙏🏼
What a remarkable story you have! Never stop telling it.
I also KNOW he lives and that the victory is already won. At the end of this journey on earth, I pray my life is all about Him and nothing about myself. Bless you for this testimony.
You are a messenger
Thank you . I too have thought of joining Unitarian thinkers.
I joined a Unitarian Church in CT, when I wanted my son to have some kind of religious teachings so that he could make his own choice later on, but wanted him to have some exposure. I was completely blown away with the embracing of other religions, an amazing program called Our Whole Lives about sex education and an extraordinary year where the kids went to neighboring faiths and got to ask priests, rabbis and imams questions. I found a humanitarianism there that is what I believe the Jesus I remember from my youth would want from us. Curiosity, humanity, respect and more questions than answers. Good piece and really important right now!
Thank you.
Wow! You did it again. I’m having trouble reading this through tears. “They” may have abandoned Jesus, but He isn’t gone. He’s still here!!! We just have to look in the right places. Thank you so much!
Sorry, but "Loving Christian" sounds too oxymoronic these days.
Thank you.
I once said to my dyed in the wool evangelical pastor/elder father that I chose quiet service daily in my walk with Jesus. He didn’t comprehend or understand the meaning of that. If your service is loud and to be seen and applauded by others you are sorely misled. Everything should be done for His Glory Only (HGO). Jesus was disgusted with the religious, sanctimonious leaders that so resemble the so called moral majority rank and file today in the evangelical churches here in America. They are the loudest voices spewing a counterfeit gospel that is straight up from Satan himself. Lucifer is having a hell of a time right now. The true followers of Jesus will quietly rise from the ashes and truly inherit the earth.
Thank you for this loving and hopeful commentary. I haven't been to a church as a member for many years as the traditional ones with which I grew up never seemed genuine given what the Bible says. At one time I found a group of the silent Quakers and joined them until we moved to another state. These were loving, kind, generous, and everything I believed a good person should be. There are no silent Quaker meetings near us now, and I've been thinking of visiting the Unitarians or Episcopals in one of the towns near us.
Truly, the Golden Rule is the only commandment anyone should ever need.