Thank you John. My own relatives have all but shattered me with their callous indifference and plausible deniability schtick. I know they're lying to me, and it is doubly offensive that they expect me to continue to indulge them by pretending otherwise. I have a trans son, I am a disabled single mother. I am utterly reliant upon governme…
Thank you John. My own relatives have all but shattered me with their callous indifference and plausible deniability schtick. I know they're lying to me, and it is doubly offensive that they expect me to continue to indulge them by pretending otherwise. I have a trans son, I am a disabled single mother. I am utterly reliant upon government assistance and social security disability to even have the barely feasible lifestyle I currently have. I already cannot save anything for any kind of emergencies or repairs. I already cannot regularly afford basic things such as shoes, clothing and haircuts for my children. If Donald Trump and his followers get another crack at running this country, I'm screwed. My kids too. In so many ways. But my relatives will vote for him because they are already rich and would like to get that tax break that they think they'll be getting under Trump. I feel completely sold out and disregarded. 😢
Thank you John. My own relatives have all but shattered me with their callous indifference and plausible deniability schtick. I know they're lying to me, and it is doubly offensive that they expect me to continue to indulge them by pretending otherwise. I have a trans son, I am a disabled single mother. I am utterly reliant upon government assistance and social security disability to even have the barely feasible lifestyle I currently have. I already cannot save anything for any kind of emergencies or repairs. I already cannot regularly afford basic things such as shoes, clothing and haircuts for my children. If Donald Trump and his followers get another crack at running this country, I'm screwed. My kids too. In so many ways. But my relatives will vote for him because they are already rich and would like to get that tax break that they think they'll be getting under Trump. I feel completely sold out and disregarded. 😢